Club meetings are held at the Down’s Leisure Centre, on Fridays from 2pm until 4pm. every other month (on the second Tuesday) Coffee Mornings every other month (on the second Tuesday) at 'The View' at Seaford Head Golf Club.
NB: The programme may be amended to take the opportunity for life drawing, talks or Demos etc - Where possible, advanced warning will be given.
10th Can you do a Banksy? (monthly challenge).
17th Paint your own subject.
24th Try distorting perspective in your composition. “Something is wrong with perspective” try Googling Cubism and what is David Hockney’s view on perspective?
31st Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
7th Painting moonlight. (monthly challenge).
11th Coffee morning and picture change over.
14th Still life (to start make loose 5 minute sketches in any medium. Try cropping your subject).
21st Make a painting from a picture supplied.
28th Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
7th Abstraction using collage. Try using sections of a discarded painting (monthly challenge).
14th AGM (2pm-3/3/30pm stay for a coffee and mingle or paint).
21st Storm out at sea (look at Constable’s watercolour sketches of stormy weather).
28th Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
4th Interiors, (monthly challenge).
8th Coffee morning and picture change over.
11th Life Drawing.
18th BANK HOLIDAY no meeting.
25th Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
2nd Spring colours, (monthly challenge).
9th Experiment with different media for you eg (charcoal, graphite, pen and ink, felt tip and pastels. Please bring any materials you are happy to share with others).
16th Figures/People
23rd Exercise: make simple drawings and experiment with marks using the wrong hand or an unusual implement. Suggestion: bring a simple object to draw.
Outdoor sketching begins next month – Interested? ...add your name and email address to the list on the notice board). Not sure? Talk to Jackie Barrow.
30th Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
6th Contre-jour (monthly challenge).
10th Coffee morning and picture change over.
13th Study an artist you like and paint in their style.
20th Life drawing. If there is no life drawing, paint your own subject.
27th Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
4th Summer garden in a loose expressive style (monthly challenge).
11th Simple still life of flowers on a table.
18th Make an artwork using sketches made last week.
25th Paint your own subject Bring monthly challenge.
Summer break NO MEETINGS (back on the 5th September).
12th Coffee morning and picture change over.
19th- 27th Annual Exhibition at the Crypt.
5th Autumn light and shadows (monthly challenge).
12th Paint your own subject.
19th Ala Prima... if you’ve never tried it, read up about it and have a go.
26th Paint your own subject Bring monthly challenge.
3rd Industrial subject (monthly challenge).
10th Animals.
14th Coffee morning and picture change over.
17th Exercise: Try painting on a coloured ground (suggestion pink, blue or beige).
24th Halloween subject.
31st Paint your own subject Bring monthly challenge.
7th Autumn is here (monthly challenge).
14th Wind and/or rain
21st Bring one or two pictures finished or in progress for shared comment and advice from members on your table.
28th Paint your own subject Bring monthly challenge.
5th Design a Christmas card (No monthly challenge).
9th Coffee morning and picture change over.
12th Exercise: reflections (mirror, water etc).
19th Quiz and chat with nibbles.
All copy and images © Seaford Art Club & Members 2024/25
Club meetings are held at the Down’s Leisure Centre, on Fridays from 2pm until 4pm. every other month (on the second Tuesday) Coffee Mornings every other month (on the second Tuesday) at 'The View' at Seaford Head Golf Club.
NB: The programme may be amended to take the opportunity for life drawing, talks or Demos etc - Where possible, advanced warning will be given.
10th Can you do a Banksy? (monthly challenge).
17th Paint your own subject.
24th Try distorting perspective in your composition. “Something is wrong with perspective” try Googling Cubism and what is David Hockney’s view on perspective?
31st Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
7th Painting moonlight. (monthly challenge).
11th Coffee morning and picture change over.
14th Still life (to start make loose 5 minute sketches in any medium. Try cropping your subject).
21st Make a painting from a picture supplied.
28th Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
7th Abstraction using collage. Try using sections of a discarded painting (monthly challenge).
14th AGM (2pm-3/3/30pm stay for a coffee and mingle or paint).
21st Storm out at sea (look at Constable’s watercolour sketches of stormy weather).
28th Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
4th Interiors, (monthly challenge).
8th Coffee morning and picture change over.
11th Life Drawing.
18th BANK HOLIDAY no meeting.
25th Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
2nd Spring colours, (monthly challenge).
9th Experiment with different media for you eg (charcoal, graphite, pen and ink, felt tip and pastels. Please bring any materials you are happy to share with others).
16th Figures/People
23rd Exercise: make simple drawings and experiment with marks using the wrong hand or an unusual implement. Suggestion: bring a simple object to draw.
Outdoor sketching begins next month – Interested? ...add your name and email address to the list on the notice board). Not sure? Talk to Jackie Barrow.
30th Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
6th Contre-jour (monthly challenge).
10th Coffee morning and picture change over.
13th Study an artist you like and paint in their style.
20th Life drawing. If there is no life drawing, paint your own subject.
27th Paint your own subject. Bring monthly challenge.
4th Summer garden in a loose expressive style (monthly challenge).
11th Simple still life of flowers on a table.
18th Make an artwork using sketches made last week.
25th Paint your own subject Bring monthly challenge.
Summer break NO MEETINGS (back on the 5th September).
12th Coffee morning and picture change over.
19th- 27th Annual Exhibition at the Crypt.
5th Autumn light and shadows (monthly challenge).
12th Paint your own subject.
19th Ala Prima... if you’ve never tried it, read up about it and have a go.
26th Paint your own subject Bring monthly challenge.
3rd Industrial subject (monthly challenge).
10th Animals.
14th Coffee morning and picture change over.
17th Exercise: Try painting on a coloured ground (suggestion pink, blue or beige).
24th Halloween subject.
31st Paint your own subject Bring monthly challenge.
7th Autumn is here (monthly challenge).
14th Wind and/or rain
21st Bring one or two pictures finished or in progress for shared comment and advice from members on your table.
28th Paint your own subject Bring monthly challenge.
5th Design a Christmas card (No monthly challenge).
9th Coffee morning and picture change over.
12th Exercise: reflections (mirror, water etc).
19th Quiz and chat with nibbles.
All copy and images © Seaford Art Club & Members 2024/25